Damn this Enoch Flint!

 A couple of years ago, the pandemic hit. I had an idea in the back of my mind for a story. One where body parts would turn up in luggage all over the world.

One of many ideas. I didn't really bother about it. It was working on a possible children's book. I had already started two different projects, all under the name of Will Thurston (I'll explain the name change, and the old name in a future post).

But on an obscure drive through Suffolk one day, Enoch Flint started talking to me. A voice in my imagination dictated chapter one to me, and it's remained almost identical all the way to publication. I had to use my phone to voice record and type it out later.

The novel kept coming.

I stopped to renovate a caravan to use as my office. Still, the ideas came.

I finally finished the novel. Great. A release date a few months away.

Then we went on a brief holiday to Orkney.

Before we left, I was writing stuff down about book two.

Yet again, Flint pestered me. The first draft of The Dark Isles is done, before Flint #1 is even released. I've never been so prolific. The quickest first draft I've done by about a year and a half.

And guess what? No sooner had I finished Flint #2 draft one, but Flint is now badgering me about book three! I already have a rough outline.

I've hoped for a muse for years. Something to push me to write.

Now I've got one. The voice of Flint in my head. Careful what you wish for. He won't leave me alone!


  1. I have particularly enjoyed 'the talent scout', 'the replacement phenomenon' (Will Thurston) and 'The Departure Lounge' (Simon Whitfield). I'm now looking forward to 'The Dark Isles'. Not too far off, I hope.


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